Culture, Language and Educational Centre
All our fees are per term
(a term last between 9 and 11 weeks)
*We need at least 4 people enrolled per group, if the numbers are not reached; we would have to cancel the class.
*Discounts are available for two or more enrolments from the same family.
*earlybird discount applies only if fees are paid before the term starts
*Please see policy for individual classes
Term Payments: Term payment has to be paid within the first 2 weeks of lessons. You can pay by cash, cheque or by internet banking.
Our Fees
Our Fees
Preschool (1/2 hour)............................................................................
Children's classes 40 min)................................................................
Children's classes (1 hr )...................................................................
Teenager and Adults classes ............................................................
Latinos Class for children .................................................................
Adults' group classes all levels
(2 students, 60 min, 3 or 4 students 90 minutes classes, more than 4 students 120 minutes classes)
Adults grammar and conversation .................................................
Individual classes face to face or Online
Individual classes 1 hour ..................................................................
Individual classes 45 minutes ...........................................................
Individual classes 1/2 hour ...............................................................
#Private classes are Individual. Extra $60 for additional family member (maximum 2 people)
All these classes can be taken Online if needed
Intensive Programme (on request only, group or individual)
please ask for fees and availability
Classes delivered at School (on request only, group or individual_ please ask for fees and availability
Beginners Level folder......................................................................
Books Intermediate and Advance, (price at the time of purchase)
Intensive programme booklet/conversation...................................
$60-75 approx. price each